Juryman - Escape To Where

Escape To Where


Formats Tracks Price Buy
CD Album 15 tracks £7.99
Download Album (MP3) 15 tracks £7.99
Download Album (FLAC) 15 tracks £7.99


Juryman - Escape To Where

An album full of multi-layered sceneries which includes soundbites collected by Ian in his audio diary during his travels around the globe. The music is again an organic and inspired blend of electronics (electro-jazz +broken beats +dub+ techno) combined with original live instrumentation and vocals by Ian, as well as guests vocal appearances by Cibelle and Stretcher.

More info here


"…introduces the panoramic mantle of Lalo Schiffrin and John Barry to Massive Attack’s more contemporary vision...” (Jockey Slut, UK)


CD Album (SSR 235)
  1. Intro
  2. Overstretchin
  3. Seasoned Waltz
  4. Belle's Poem
  5. The Tower
  6. Mind Calypso
  7. The Rollercoaster
  8. Eastern Receiver
  9. Tin Soldier
  10. Db's Dance
  11. My Time Five
  12. The Jailor
  13. Inside Steppin
  14. Subway
  15. Escape To Where
Download Album (SSR 235)
  1. Intro
  2. Overstretchin
  3. Seasoned Waltz
  4. Belle's Poem
  5. The Tower
  6. Mind Calypso
  7. The Rollercoaster
  8. Eastern Receiver
  9. Tin Soldier
  10. Db's Dance
  11. My Time Five
  12. The Jailor
  13. Inside Steppin
  14. Subway
  15. Escape To Where